...Ekki reyna að mótmæla eftirfarandi:
fimmtudagur, október 27, 2005
Jæja, það verður partý á morgun. Tekílagaman, mjólkurþamb, afhjúpun og fleira. En annars er gamla settið aftur farið af landinu. Núna til Finnlands. Dísis. Ég meina, það er allt í lagi að vera svona einusinni og einusinni einn heima en þegar maður eyðir meirihluta ársins í algjörri einsemd þá verður þetta svolítið of mikið. Ég sakna þess að láta elda ofan í mig og þvo fötin af mér.
Svo var ég að taka persónuleikapróf í dag í sálfræði og guðminngóður niðurstöðurnar maður.: ------ Domain/Facet........... Score EXTRAVERSION...............80 ..Friendliness.............67 ..Gregariousness...........77 ..Assertiveness............96 ..Activity Level...........96 ..Excitement-Seeking.......82 ..Cheerfulness.............8 Your score on Extraversion is high, indicating you are sociable, outgoing, energetic, and lively. You prefer to be around people much of the time.
Domain/Facet........... Score AGREEABLENESS..............16 ..Trust....................3 ..Morality.................51 ..Altruism.................36 ..Cooperation..............28 ..Modesty..................54 ..Sympathy.................2 Your score on Agreeableness is low, indicating less concern with others' needs Than with your own. People see you as tough, critical, and uncompromising.
Domain/Facet........... Score CONSCIENTIOUSNESS..........87 ..Self-Efficacy............66 ..Orderliness..............88 ..Dutifulness..............55 ..Achievement-Striving.....93 ..Self-Discipline..........88 ..Cautiousness.............60 Your score on Conscientiousness is high. This means you set clear goals and pursue them with determination. People regard you as reliable and hard-working.
Domain/Facet........... Score NEUROTICISM................14 ..Anxiety..................41 ..Anger....................79 ..Depression...............17 ..Self-Consciousness.......10 ..Immoderation.............2 ..Vulnerability............0 Your score on Neuroticism is low, indicating that you are exceptionally calm, composed and unflappable. You do not react with intense emotions, even to situations that most people would describe as stressful.
Domain/Facet........... Score OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE.....6 ..Imagination..............1 ..Artistic Interests.......1 ..Emotionality.............3 ..Adventurousness..........67 ..Intellect................52 ..Liberalism...............52 Your score on Openness to Experience is low, indicating you like to think in plain and simple terms. Others describe you as down-to-earth, practical, and conservative. ------